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Class C - Tiffin Wayfarer 28TM
Class C - Tiffin Wayfarer 28TM
Unit id: #7001 Length: 28' Electrical Connection: 30A, Weekly: $1,440.00
Make: Tiffin Sleeps: 8 Connection Type:
Optional Equipment/Services (charges applicable)

CDR - Collision Deductible Reduction

Delivery/Setup/Recovery(Contact for pricing/arrangement)

E-Bike Rental

Generator Fee (Unlimited useage.)

Kitchen Setup

Linen Setup

Mandatory - Additional Damage Deposit (Refundable)

Mandatory Pre-paid Cleaning (Cleaning inside / out.)

Mandatory Pre-Paid Dumping (Dump / flush all holding tanks)

Non U.S. Resident (Additional Deposit.)

Tire Road Hazzard

Towing Option (For use of the trailer hitch.)


This medium sized Class C drives like a truck yet offers a nice flow of space. What you see is what you get without slides cutting into your usable space during travel.

The couch is positioned directly across from the dinette promoting conversation while including the driver and passenger guests.

The private rear master bedroom includes an island style walk around RV queen while the both the couch and dinette booth convert into a double beds. The cab over queen is oversized and can easily sleep 2 adults.

Ford V10 6.8L
6-9 mpg
Fuel Capacity 55.0 gal.

Onan 4KW generator(usage fee)
Usage rate:
0.29 gph-no load
0.48 gph-half load
0.71 gph-full load

Length 29.92 ft. (359 in.)
Width 8.25 ft. (99 in.)
Height 11 ft. (132 in.)
Interior Height 7 ft. (84 in.)
Wheelbase 17.67 ft. (212 in.)

Towing Capacity 5,000 lbs.
GVWR 14,500 lbs.

Total Fresh Water Tank Capacity 40.0 gal.
Total Gray Water Tank Capacity 32.0 gal.
Total Black Water Tank Capacity 36.0 gal.

Vehicle Images